How to Hide Blogger Navbar in New Blogger ...

To Hide Blogger Navbar from your Blogger Template Follow the Steps given below:

1. Open your Blogger account, then on dashboard screen click on Layout
2. Then Click on Edit HTML Template Tab.

3. Now under Edit Template code Section Search the code

4. Then after that Under the Style Tag place anywhere the following code :

5. Now click on Save Template Button...

Now After this ur Blogger Navbar would get hidden..

If you want to Show the Navbar again, then delete the code & save the template .
  • Now the Question Arises that Hiding the Blogger Navbar is Legal or Not?

The Terms of Services don't mention any Rule to Hide Blogger Navbar, so no risk is there till Today in Hiding the navbar..But if Blogger announces something like that then don't forget to Show it again... Until then Enjoy the Tweak..

Bob Matharoo

1 comment:

memoriiesofyou said...

erm~~hi~~i cant find style tis word lez~~can u kindly show me how to find it~~